Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Hey Gang,

Here is this week's question! Post your answers using the comments icon below!

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?


Anonymous said...

A house.

It wouldn't have to be a huge one but a nice house that I coudl entertain people in.


Josh and Liz said...

I have to go with my husband there... a house would be at the top of my list. But only slightly below it would be a car... not a new one, but certainly newer than what we've been driving! I still maintain that the best part about winning the lottery would be writing the tithe check to church... new sanctuary, anyone? :) And can you imagine all those ministries who get a certain percent of the tithes? They'd have a party! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Liz on the tithe check. That would be awesome! But I think the first thing I would buy would be a car for my mom. She shouldn't be driving that Aspire after I wrecked it and she deserves to drive something dependable. Then I would just spread the wealth!

Anonymous said...

I would buy a ford truck . I would go and buld a log cabin out in the country and have lots of land with it and my sister and brohter in law a new house
~ heather~