Sunday, October 10, 2010

Great Leaf Pile 2010!

We are having our Great Leaf Pile 2010 on Saturday December 4, 2010. Meet at Midway Heights Baptist Church at 12:30 bringing your friends, rakes, and dress warm as the weather might be chilly. We will break up into groups to go rake leaves at different houses, and then we will make our way with all of the leaves to the Price's House around 4:30. There we will have dinner, make a huge leaf pile that we can all jump in. We will return to the church by 8:00. We look forward to seeing you all there!!

Galactic Fun Zone!!

We're headed to Galactic Fun Zone to celebrate selling $1,000 in raffle tickets for our Fish Fry! We will go on Friday, November 12th. Meet at the church at 1:00 and we will be back at 5:00. Bring money for laser tag games (about $5 for each game), snacks, and whatever else you'd like to do. Come join in on the fun, and invite friends too!!

World Changers

The first World Changers meeting is October 24th at 6:00 pm!!! And the World Changers are heading to Springfield, IL June 20th-25th, 2011. There is a $60 deposit. If you're interested in participating, talk to Josh!!

Purity Retreat

On October 22-23 we are having a purity retreat. We will be going over some pretty deep stuff, so we will have a parent meeting on Sunday, October 10th at 7:00. Parents are encouraged to come, particularly parents of middle/junior high students. We will meet at the church on the 22nd at 6:30 pm, and pick up will be at church at 11:00 on Saturday.