Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Hey Gang,

Here is this week's question! Post your answers using the comments icon below!

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

Was that actually comfortable?

By the time we all collapsed, it was LATE. People just slept where they fell. It was quite interesting where you found people. When I woke up, I walked around looking for people to take pictures of! It was an awesome lock-in and I think we wore Josh out. It took him at least a week to fully recover, if he ever did. The best part about the lock-in was that we got to stay up until we literally fell down with exhaustion. Props to the youth for raising money for this lock-in!!

Josh fell asleep on his hand at around 5:00. He was "supervising". But he did wake up when I took the picture of him.

Brandon, who was going to "pull an all-nighter" but who I found sleeping like this when I woke up. He was the last to bed and he only got about half an hour of sleep before we woke him up!

The girls, who fell asleep either on or underneath the table in the XBOX room. They finally got to sleep when the boys turned the video games off, which were still going at 5:30.

Apparently on top of a table was the most popular place to sleep. Here's Patrick sleeping on the table in Josh's Sunday School room.

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Little Debbie Relay

The next game was the Little Debbie Relay. Everyone had to eat a Little Debbie out of a grocery sack until your team's were all gone. There were Oatmeal Creme Pies, Nutty Bars, Honey Buns, and HoHos. I think it was my favorite game of the night, but I did feel sorry for the people who couldn't keep the snack down.

The losing team...but they put up a good fight!

Our team, we dominated!! That might have been because Jason, Brandon, and Nate were all on our team! Maybe it was a little unfair, but the other team had James and Josh.

Josh devouring a Honey Bun. I think he was trying not to gag.

Now, we're down to the last snack. Brandon vs. Kelly. Bet you can't guess who won! We all headed to the front for the last one to cheer our teammates on!

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Egg Game

Next was the egg game. Pretty disgusting! Crack an egg into this piece of tubing, put one person on each end, and blow until someone gets covered in raw egg. It was actually quite entertaining if you were just watching! An all-around great game.

Amy and Delayne started us off. Amy won without much of a fight because Delayne kept pointing her end towards the people watching, so she didn't try very hard!

Then there was the match we were all waiting for...Jason vs. Brandon. Brandon won pretty easily. No big surprise there, and Jason got raw egg in the mouth. Gross.

Another match we were all waiting for...Josh and Nate. Nate won and Josh ate some raw egg. YUM! Notice Jason in the background still holding the water cup from his duel with Brandon.

And then the match-off of the winners, Nate and Brandon. Nate won, and we deemed him Champion of the egg game. Brandon ate some serious egg and was covered with it!

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Pew Races

Pew racing was the first game we played. Start at the back of the church and make your way to the front by the "caller" calling numbers from the hymnals. Of course, the smaller kids won. No surprise there!! But it was still an awesome game!

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Providence Bowl Lock-In

I know, I'm a little slow at posting! So the lock-in was a huge success! I think everyone had a great time and we got to play some awesome games!! And we got to watch the leaders shave their legs!

Here's Josh's legs before and after shaving them. What a sight!!

And I had to put a picture of Liz on here, because she's usually behind the camera!!

And then all three leaders shaving. I think Charlie was muttering in the background 'I hate you guys'. Don't take it personally!! They all look so concentrated!

Then here's an after picture to go with the before shot.

By now, their hair is starting to grow back and they all say it feels very weird!! Awesome job guys for raising all that money.

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Monday, October 16, 2006



If you could be any age, how old would you be and why?

I look forward to hearing your comments!

Monday, October 09, 2006


Alright gang!

Here is your question of the week. I hope to hear from all of you!

If you could be any cartoon character, which character would you be?

Leave your comments below! I can't wait to hear who you would be!

Josh, the youth dude

Sunday, October 08, 2006

October Events

We're already in October...can you believe it? And it's going to be a busy month!

October 13th:We will be meeting at the church at 5:30 to take the van/bus (whichever one we need) to Faurot Field for the Providence Bowl (FYI: The Hickman vs. RockBridge football game). After the game, we will head back to church for a lock-in. We will be playing lots of fun games, courtesy of the Gamemiester, and have lots of good snacks (We will not be tailgating at the game, contrary to what was posted previously.) The church will provide snacks, sodas, and breakfast Saturday morning. Pick up is at 9:30 Saturday morning at the church. Bring money if you want to buy anything at the game. And I have to say it...sorry Rock Bridge fans...GO HICKMAN!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25th:We will be heading to the Missouri Theater to see Sonic Flood in concert! Meet at the church at 6:00 for church supper and we'll leave at around 6:30. We should be back at the church no later than 9:30. Bring money for cds, t-shirts, or anything else you would want to buy at the concert! PLEASE SIGN UP WITH JOSH!!! There is a sign-up list at church, or you can e-mail Josh (JLL710@hotmail.com), but we really need to know how many people to expect.

Sometime in November, as more leaves fall, we will have a service day to help some people in our church. It's lots of fun and you feel awesome afterwards because you've done something helpful that day! More info to follow! And comment on the question of the week, it's a good one.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Alright crew, Here it is!

How would you finish this sentence: "One thing I want to do before I die is..."?

Leave your answers by clicking the word "comments" below. Be sure to leave your name so we know who you are!
