Sunday, October 08, 2006

October Events

We're already in October...can you believe it? And it's going to be a busy month!

October 13th:We will be meeting at the church at 5:30 to take the van/bus (whichever one we need) to Faurot Field for the Providence Bowl (FYI: The Hickman vs. RockBridge football game). After the game, we will head back to church for a lock-in. We will be playing lots of fun games, courtesy of the Gamemiester, and have lots of good snacks (We will not be tailgating at the game, contrary to what was posted previously.) The church will provide snacks, sodas, and breakfast Saturday morning. Pick up is at 9:30 Saturday morning at the church. Bring money if you want to buy anything at the game. And I have to say it...sorry Rock Bridge fans...GO HICKMAN!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25th:We will be heading to the Missouri Theater to see Sonic Flood in concert! Meet at the church at 6:00 for church supper and we'll leave at around 6:30. We should be back at the church no later than 9:30. Bring money for cds, t-shirts, or anything else you would want to buy at the concert! PLEASE SIGN UP WITH JOSH!!! There is a sign-up list at church, or you can e-mail Josh (, but we really need to know how many people to expect.

Sometime in November, as more leaves fall, we will have a service day to help some people in our church. It's lots of fun and you feel awesome afterwards because you've done something helpful that day! More info to follow! And comment on the question of the week, it's a good one.

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