Friday, February 06, 2009

Service and Ski Trip!!

We are headed to Kansas City for the Service and Ski Trip on Febuary 21st. We are leaving from the church at 8:00 Saturday morning and won't return until around midnight. Cost for this event is $35 and then extra money will be needed for lunch and dinner. We will be painting for the first half of the day, so make sure and wear clothes you don't mind getting maybe getting paint on. This is going to be an awesome opportunity to help a church out! Everyone who wants to go needs to be signed up by Sunday Febuary 15th and needs to let us know whether they are skiing/snowboarding or tubing. You can definitely bring friends but make sure they have a permission slip. Hope to see everyone there!!

1 comment:

Josh and Liz said...

Where did you get that picture of me?