Wednesday, November 29, 2006

December Events

Can you believe it's already December? Time for Christmas!! Yeah!

Saturday, December 2nd: Youth Service Day. Meet at church at 1:00 and bring money for pizza afterwards. Bring rakes and/or gloves if you have them. This really is a lot of fun and also a great opportunity to help people in need. That's this Saturday!!

Wednesday, December 13th: We will be going to St. Francis House to sing with the residents there. We take food and it's just another great time to spread the Christmas cheer. We will go there instead of having bible studies at church. We are also asking for donations of warm clothes, travel shampoos, etc. See James if you have any questions.

Friday, December 15th: We will be heading to Kansas City for the Christmas party we have up there. We go to an inner-city elementary school and do things with them. They love it when we come and as most of you know, it's a great time for us too. You will need your parent's permission for this trip.

Tuesday, December 19th: The Youth Christmas Party. We will be heading to the Scott's house to celebrate Christmas with just the youth! Bring a $10 gift for the gift exchange. More details to follow as it gets closer.

Wednesday, December 20th: Candle and Carols. Get into the Christmas spirit with a night of great Christmas music. See Josh or Bobbie if you would like to perform something!

That does it for December. Keep checking back for additional information. Just so you know, there will be a youth New Year's Eve party at church. Check back for details on that and upcoming events. Also, scroll down to see the Question of the Month. We are trying to decide where to go on the January road trip. We could really use some suggestions!! This year, the youth get a say in where we go! So comment or see Josh or Liz at youth with your ideas! Also, the items for our VAC family are due back to the church by Wednesday, December 6th!