Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fifth Quarter Lock-In

The Fifth Quarter Lock-In is coming up on October 12th and 13th. Meet at the church at 5:30 to ride the bus to Faurot Field. Everyone is free to do whatever at the game. Directly after the game, meet back at the bus and we will head back to the church for food, games, and lots of fun! We will hang at the church and have loads of fun! Charlie the Gamemeister will have some games for us and we will have a devotion and worship time as well. This event is a great one to bring all your friends to. Pick-up time is 8:30-9 on Saturday morning. If there's a specific game you want to play, click on the comments link below and let us know what you want to play! See you all there!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Providence Bowl

Congratulations everyone!! We made the $1000 we needed to for our October event. We actually raised $1200, so we are officially overachievers! We are going to the Providence Bowl on October 12th and then having a lock-in at the church after the game. We will be cheering on our fellow youth (Nate and Jordyn) during the game. For those of you that remember it from last year, it's a great time. We do not have an individual winner yet, but we will announce that after we add everything up. We also don't know for sure what the prize is going to be for the winner, but that will also be announced soon. Have a great rest of the week guys and we'll see you at youth!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fish Fry

As I'm sure you all know, the annual Fish Fry is coming up in a week from Saturday! There's still lots for everyone to do!

Youth Silent Auction Basket: We are doing a family camping trip basket this year, so we're asking for anything related to camping! There's a lot of stuff on sale right now, so it shouldn't be hard to find something. If you don't want to go shopping, you can just give Josh some money and he will go buy stuff. We would like to have all the money and items by this Sunday (Sept. 9th), but we absolutely need everything by next Wednesday (Sept. 12th). So get to shopping!!

Kids' Games: The youth group is in charge of watching the kids' games and most of you signed up for an hour. If you haven't signed up, we can always use some help, so just head on over to the kids' games when you get there. If you did sign up, don't forget to come work! Everyone that signed up should be getting a reminder of what time they signed up for.

Raffle Tickets: The main youth thing for the Fish Fry is selling raffle tickets! If we sell $1000 in tickets, we will have an event in October. But if we don't sell that much, there will not be any events in October! If we meet our goal (which we have the past two years) we will either go to the Hickman/Rock Bridge football game on October 12th or the Mizzou game on October 27th. I know we haven't sold very many tickets yet, so, get out there and sell raffle tickets! Remember, all the money from the Fish Fry goes towards the new building fund and when we get a new sanctuary, we get a real youth room!

Everyone have fun at school and keep selling raffle tickets!! Also, a reminder for the World Changers...we will not be meeting in September, but we will meet the last Sunday in October.